Pectus Carinatum

About the condition

Pectus carinatum is a deformity of the chest in which the breastbone protrudes outwards. The bulging gives the chest a birdlike appearance which is why the condition is sometimes referred to as pigeon chest. It occurs when the cartilage that holds the ribs to the breastbone has a defect, and the cartilage pushes the breastbone and ribs outwards causing the chest to jut outwards. It is unknown what causes this chest deformity, but is believed to be genetic in nature.
Each case of pectus carinatum is unique as the deformity may cause mild, moderate or severe symptoms. For those who have more severe pectus carinatum, the physical deformity can cause have serious effects on a child’s self-confidence. In these cases, surgery may be needed to correct the deformity. Dr Schewitz will be able to tell you whether surgical repair may or may not be needed.

Signs & Symptoms

While the condition is categorised by the protrusion of the breastbone forwards, pectus carinatum is often only developed during early adolescence when the growth spurt hits. It is then that the symptoms worsen and the physical deformity begins to show.
The symptoms should begin to show in the early teen years, only getting worse and worse as the child grows. Since these symptoms are caused by the protrusion of the breast bone, it may require surgery to treat. Treatment of pectus carinatum is possible at a very early age with an external brace. If surgery is required, the best time would be at the time of the adolescent growth spurt.
With Dr Ivan Schewitz’s extensive experience in the treatment of children and adults with pectus carinatum, he is compassionate in explaining the conditions to his patients, taking the time to answer any of their questions and advising the best surgical treatment options for their unique case.
As a highly specialised cardiothoracic surgeon with extensive experience in pectus deformity correction, Dr Schewitz may advise external bracing, the Reverse-Nuss (otherwise known as Abraham procedure) or Ravitch procedure for correction of pectus carinatum.


Treatment methods include:


External Bracing

External bracing is usually the preferred route for children who are still growing. External bracing for pectus carinatum makes use of a lightweight brace that puts pressure on the front part of the chest and the breastbone that is bulging forward.


Ravitch Procedure

While the Ravitch procedure is done very seldom these days, it may be required for older patients with the chest deformity, pectus excavatum. Pectus excavatum is a defect in which the cartilage that holds the ribs to the breastbone is abnormal, causing the chest to look sunken or caved in.


Reverse Nuss Procedure

The Abraham or Reverse-Nuss procedure is done for severe cases of pectus carinatum, a chest deformity categorised by a defect in the chest that causes the breastbone to protrude from the chest. The conditions are often called pigeon chest since the bulging gives the chest a birdlike appearance.

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